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Employment Law Firm in Los Angeles

Coronavirus Employment Issues & Answers in Los Angeles

California is already prepared with a robust set of laws that protect California workers from mistreatment by their employers. In addition to these protections, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) provides additional relief and protection during the COVID-19 pandemic. More about the FFCRA stimulus package and its new protection for workers can be read on the Department of Labor's website here and here.

Below are some additional articles with helpful links to learn more about your rights during this pandemic:

The following Google drive links contain a list of resources for undocumented workers who lost their jobs:

Also, these short videos help explain the benefits under the Stimulus Package:

Hold Your Employer Accountable for Illegal Practices

If your employer has taken advantage of the confusion and novelty of how society is dealing with the novel coronavirus to take advantage of you at work, you don’t have to tolerate it. Whether there’s a worldwide pandemic or not, you have employment rights that always apply, even when there’s public health crisis.

In fact, it’s times like these when your rights as a worker may matter most. Your employer may not engage in discrimination, retaliation, or skirt wage and overtime compensation laws at this time or any other. If you believe your company has made layoff decisions or taken other adverse employment actions based on your association with a protected class (age, race, disability, gender, etc.) or because you spoke up about safety concerns or violations, your employer may be held accountable to paying you fair and just compensation.

If you think you need to talk to an employment law attorney about your situation, contact the attorneys of Feldman Browne, APC online or call (310) 984-1415 for legal assistance.
